Home Brew Hockey


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Recent Results

1 2 3 OT F
Home Brew 1 0 1 0 2
Agent Orange 0 2 3 0 5

Team Leaders

Bruce Halley 7
Jason Withrow 6
Chris Bishop 4
Jason Withrow 5
Chris Bishop 3
Blake West 3
Bruce Halley 5
Mark Storts 4
Joshua Dowd 2
Aaron Hartung 12
Jason Withrow 8
Bruce Halley 6

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Game 2 Summary

With a final score of 5-1, the second game of the season was a difficult one for Home Brew.  At the end of the first period the score was 1-0 in favor of Mayhem.  Play up and down the ice was very close, with both teams having some very good scoring opportunities.  The only hiccup came from the opening faceoff, leading to the goal for Mayhem. 

The second period was a different story.  Home Brew gave up 3 goals while only scoring one.  The first goal of the period was for Mayhem at 8:51 to make the score 2-0.  Ed Kendall, with help from Mark Storts and Cliff Browne brought us back to within one at 7:30.  This was followed by two more goals from Mayhem to close out the period. 

While the team was down, nobody gave up in the third period.  Every player was playing hard for the entire game and exhibited a never say die attitude.  This determination locked the third period down and did not allow the final goal until the very end of the game.

Thanks to Dave Cherry, Yaz Takagi, and Cliff Browne for subbing on short notice.

Joshua Dowd - Thu, May 26 2011

Game 1 Recap

Homebrew started the Summer 2011 season with the return of some familliar faces.  Bob McKelvey and Shae Castricone are back on the roster full time this season, while Dave Cherry is supporting as a sub.  Welcome back lady and gentlemen.

Homebrew, although slightly rusty from the off season, jumped out to a 2-0 lead on goals from Jason Withrow and Bruce Halley.  By the end of the second period the score was tied at two apice.  The third period, continued the back and forth, even play of the game.  There were many scoring chances by both teams, and Agent Orange was able to come away with the victory by adding two goals.

The entire team skated well, played good hockey, and was backstopped by solid goaltending.  There is a start that we can build on for the rest of the season. 

Joshua Dowd - Tue, May 17 2011


Welcome to the Home Brew Hockey page.  This is an area where you can find comments from team members, schedule updates, and recaps of our past games.  If you have any questions please let Aaron or myself know.

Joshua Dowd - Tue, May 10 2011